Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Word of the Day

I like words. They're important, of course. Each and every one of them is important in its own way, for its own reason. But the plain and simple truth is that some words are far more exciting than others.

For example, take a look at this word: and. And this one: the. Boring. Important, yes. But also boring. Now take a look at this word: tintinnabulation. Boring? I certainly think not. So while I like words, I especially like exciting, new, and, admittedly, aesthetically pleasing words. I promise I'm not being vocabularically prejudiced; I simply have my preferences. (I'm fairly certain vocabularically is technically not a word, at least not officially. But, like I said, I'm not prejudiced.)

That all being said, I figure I might as well utilize this blog to share some of my favorite words. So here goes nothing.

tintinnabulation: a ringing or jingling sound, as of bells

Where did I first come across this word? Edgar Allan Poe's "The Bells". Good stuff.

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