Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When it rains, it pours.

Today was just one of those days. As in, I've had better days. Of course work played a large part in this. Bosses, clients, mountains of paperwork, all that good stuff. But I won't even bother to elaborate on that. I'll just move right on to the next page in the story of my day.

Let me preface the following statements with the admission that I suffer from a bit of arachnophobia. There you have it. After all, admitting is the first step. So, with that clear, two of the worst parts of my workday involved eight-legged freaks. The first incident starred a spider with some wicked parkouring skills. This particular spider first played a game of Pong on the walls before finally jumping a distance of roughly three feet to land on my leg. After sufficient amounts of thrashing on my part, the spider finally fell from my leg. I then did the only logical thing I could think of: I panicked and fled the scene. Upstanding display of bravery, I know, but that's how it goes. What happened next? A spider crawled out of a sink drain and ran at me as I attempted to wash my hands. I pride myself on maintaining a proper level of hygiene, but if that's what I get for it then forget it.

But it wasn't just spiders I was at war with today. When I ventured out of work I realized that a new family of wasps has moved in above the door. One particular wasp felt the need to harass me all the way to my car, and it even made an attempt to fly into my ear. I don't have nearly as much of a problem with wasps as I do with spiders, but that certainly doesn't mean I want one cramming itself into my ear canal, thank you very much.

After all of that trauma, I decided to unwind with a good book. I'm currently reading Midnight by Dean Koontz, and I'm just now getting to the more gritty, intense details of the plot. So, I was excited to delve into the story. But today that just wasn't destined to happen. Outside forces kept pulling me away. You know, things like the phone, a puppy with boundless stores of energy, an equally so kitten. So, despite my intent and desire, I didn't do much reading. Or any at all, really.

But everything is fine now. I made some cookies. And if cookies are involved, all is well.

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